Benefits of Using Clean Water

Benefits of Using Clean Water

At Pinnacle, we want you to understand why your tap water might have a foul taste and what you can do about it. There can be sediment, chemicals, and impurities in your water that affects its taste and smell. By installing a water filtration system, you can ensure that your water is safe and healthy.

    Why Tap Water Often Tastes Bad & Corrective Methods

    Installing a POU (point of use) system at your kitchen sink is a great way to improve the taste and smell of your drinking and cooking water. It is an economical and simple solution to filter your water through reverse osmosis. A RO system can also significantly improve the taste and quality of your water by removing chlorine and other offensive flavors, which is one of the benefits of clean water.

    To treat the whole house with a system installed where the water enters the home POE (point of entry) system, you need to identify the root cause of the problem with a water analysis. You can then research what kind of water treatment equipment is designed to address your specific needs after identifying what is causing the taste issue.

    Chlorine in Water

    Much research has been done on the effects of chlorine, with evidence showing that it forms disinfection by-products, which are considered carcinogenic when it reacts with natural organic materials like leaves and humus. A reverse osmosis drinking water system can remove chlorine.

    The Positive Effects of Filtration in the Home


    All of your soaps will lather better, including shampoos. As a result, you’ll notice a considerable difference in your hair and skin quality with less dry skin. In addition, you will no longer have to clean soap scum and mineral deposits from showers, tubs, toilets, or sinks, saving you hours of cleaning every week.


    The softer, cleaner, and longer-lasting clothes you launder will last 30% longer. As a bonus, they will be whiter and more vibrant without any bleach or fabric softener. Your clothes will last longer, and you will be able to use less soap than usual, saving both your money and your clothes. Using good, clean, treated water can extend the life of your washing machine by 60%.


    Dishes will be easier to clean, with no water spots left on dishes after removing hard water throughout the house. In addition, doing the dishes will actually make your hands feel softer and look better.

    Plumbing & Appliances

    You will save money down the road by not having to replace appliances prematurely due to poor quality water; it will help your appliances last up to 60% longer! In addition, the pipes in your home will be protected from significant issues, thus protecting your investment as a homeowner.

    Get in Touch!

    Contact us today to receive a free quote for installing or repairing a water filtration system. Reach out if you have any questions or want to know more about us!